Yappem, Rewarded for Having a Voice!Yappem is the premier reward-based brand-centric social platform. On Yappem people share their thoughts, experienc
Yappem, Rewarded for Having a Voice!
Yappem is the premier reward-based brand-centric social platform. On Yappem people share their thoughts, experiences and reviews – good or bad -- on products, brands and places while earning virtual Yappem Coins. Save your coins and cash them in for gift cards from stores and major retailers.
Yappem is not only great for people who want to voice their opinion, it is also a great place to discover new products and interact with people of similar interest. Just interacting with other Yappers earns you coins towards rewards.
With Yappem you are rewarded for sharing opinions on brands, products and places, and you can still share it to Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare with a single click!
On Yappem you can:
• Enjoy the great Yappem content by clicking "Explore" even if you haven't created a Yappem account yet. Yappem is always free to our users, so create an account to start earning rewards!
• Share your valuable thoughts, experiences or opinions on brands and products. Earn coins for posting or when other users interact with your content.
• Explore popular categories and Yaps to find the exciting and fun content that is relevant to your life.
• Collect your Yaps in a story and share your whole experience with your followers, or read other Yappers stories.
• Complete Missions, which are special Yaps, and earn even more coins!
• Earn coins and badges daily, just for logging in. Log in on consecutive days to earn even more coins!
• Follow people and brands that you enjoy the most.
• Share your content on Yappem only or share it with friends, family and others on Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and email to earn additional coins.